Privacy Policy

The Inamori Foundation (hereafter referred to as “the Foundation”) acknowledges the importance of personal information and regards ensuring protection and proper handling of such information as one of its social responsibilities. The Foundation complies fully with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other legislation concerning personal information, has voluntarily established an information management structure, and sets and implements its own privacy policy.

1. Collection of personal information
When collecting personal information directly from an individual, the Foundation will specify the purposes of utilization of such information and will collect same within a reasonable scope and through appropriate means. When collecting personal information through methods other than those mentioned above, the Foundation will collect such information within a scope of separately specified purposes of utilization.

2. Purposes of utilization of personal information
The Foundation will utilize collected personal information within a reasonable scope and to the extent necessary to carry out its business operations.

3. Secure management of personal information
The Foundation will exercise appropriate management of all personal information that it collects and will take necessary preventive and corrective measures against unauthorized access, theft, loss, damage, manipulation, leakage, etc.

4. Provision to a third party
The Foundation will not provide any personal information to a third party, except in the following cases:

1) Where the individual concerned consents to such provision
2) Where provision is necessary due to reasons such as protection of human life and body or property, or enhancement of public hygiene, and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
3) Where cooperation with an investigation by a national or local government agency is mandatory and obtaining the consent of the individual concerned may pose an obstacle to the execution of such investigation

5. Disclosure, correction, deletion of retained personal information

If the Foundation is requested by an individual to disclose, provide notification on the purposes of utilization of, correct, add to, delete, cease the utilization of, or erase his/her personal information, or to provide it to a third party as set forth in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, it will respond appropriately and promptly after confirming the identity of such individual. If such a request is made by a person substituting for the individual concerned, the Foundation will respond appropriately and promptly after verifying the proxy is executed by the individual concerned.

6. Procedures and contact information for requesting disclosure, etc.

If an individual wishes to request disclosure, etc. of his/her personal information, such individual must submit by mail a completed application form, together with a copy of identification (or a letter of proxy if another person is substituting for the individual concerned), to the contact address provided below.

7. Ongoing improvement of “compliance structure and programs”

The Foundation will continually revise and improve its policies, structure, internal regulations, implementation methods, etc. for protection of collected personal information in response to changes in the Foundation’s business activities, Japanese laws/regulations, social conventions, and the information technology environment.

For inquiries about protection of personal information by the Foundation, please contact:
General Affairs Division, Inamori Foundation
620 Suiginya-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8411
Phone: +81-75-353-7272

Purposes of Utilization of Personal Information

The Foundation will utilize collected personal information in its business activities (Kyoto Prize, Research Grants, various social contributions, and operation of various events such as lectures) for the following purposes:

【Personal information of individuals participating in the activities of the Foundation】
(1) Sending a request for nominations for the Kyoto Prize and a notification of the Kyoto Prize laureates
(2) Sending application guidelines and notification of selection results for research grants, and various items of information regarding provision of grants
(3) Sending materials regarding a selection process regarding the activities of the Foundation such as the Kyoto Prize
(4) Sending information regarding Board of Directors meetings, Board of Councilors meetings and various other events
(5) Sending information regarding various events related to the Kyoto Prize, and seating tickets or admission tickets
(6) Sending information regarding various events related to the grants program and letters of appreciation for participation in grants presentation ceremonies and the Seiwa Scholars Society General Assembly
(7) Sending information regarding the holding of events such as lectures, and seating tickets or admission tickets
(8) Sending various pamphlets, booklets and printed materials, such as the Inamori Foundation Newsletter
(9) Responses to various inquiries
(10) Purposes that are clearly indicated when obtaining his/her personal information
(11) Other operations incidental to the above items

【Personal information of Directors, Auditors, Board of Councilors, Honorary President, and Special Advisors of the Foundation】
(1) Printed materials such as the Foundation pamphlet, posting of a list of Board members on the Foundation website
(2) Exercise of rights and performance of obligations under the Act on Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundations
(3) Sending notifications and information from the Foundation
(4) Other operations incidental to the above purposes

【Information of persons seeking to join the Foundation】
(1) Employment screening for those who wish to join the Foundation
(2) Communication to be made to those who wish to join the Foundation
(3) Other operations incidental to the above purposes

【Personal information of employees of the Foundation】
(1) Confirmation and communication to be made in the course of operations for personnel and labor management, accounting and general affairs
(2) Various procedures necessary for social insurance and tax payments
(3) Purposes clearly indicated when obtaining personal information of employees of the Foundation
(4) Other operations incidental to the above purposes

Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information

Disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information provided to the Foundation shall be requested through the following procedure:

1. Name of Business Operator and Person in Charge of Management of Personal Information
Hayato Takenouchi (Secretary General, Inamori Foundation)
7F, COCON Karasuma, 620 Suiginya-cho, Karasuma-dori Shijo- sagaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8411
Phone: +81-75-353-7272

2. Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information
(1) Methods of requests
If you wish to request the Foundation to disclose, add to, correct, delete, provide notification on the purposes of utilization of, cease the utilization of, erase, or cease the third-party provision of personal information, complete the “application form” specified by the Foundation and submit the form, together with a copy of your identification or a copy of the identification of a person who is substituting for you (any one of the following), to the Foundation.

Application Form for Disclosure, Addition/Correction/Deletion, Notification on the Purposes of Utilization, Cessation of Utilization, etc. of Personal Information (PDF:71KB)

(2) Verification of identity of an individual who wishes to request disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of his/her personal information, or of a person who is substituting for such individual
When an individual submits an application regarding his/her personal information, such individual must enclose a copy of any one of the following to verify his/her identity.
Driver’s License (copy), Health Insurance Card (copy), Basic Resident Register Card with photo (copy), Passport (copy), Alien Registration Certificate (copy), Pension Book (copy)
* When a person substituting for the individual concerned submits the application, a letter of proxy from the individual (to which the individual’s registered seal is affixed) and an original of a certificate of registered seal must also be enclosed.

(3) When requesting disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information
· A person requesting disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of his/her personal information shall bear any costs incurred in the process and at the time of making such a request.
· Personal information provided by a person making such a request shall be used only to respond to the request and will be promptly erased after such use.
· Please note that documents enclosed to verify the identity of an individual concerned and/or a person substituting for the individual concerned shall not be returned to such individual or person.