Research Grants
Name | Afilliation | Research Title |
Aizawa, Hidenori | Associate Professor Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience, Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
A role of the glutamate transporter in sleep disturbance of depression |
Ikenouchi, Junichi | Associate Professor Faculty of Science Kyushu University |
Analysis of membrane lipids as tumor markers |
Ishii, Daisuke | Tenure-track Assistant Professor Center for Fostering Young and Innovative Researchers Nagoya Institute of Technology |
Fabrication of water and oil selective open capillary learning from spontaneous liquid transport of a small animal |
Ito, Hiroshi | Assistant Professor Faculty of Design Kyushu University |
Controlling raw of circadian rhythms through resonance |
Imai, Naoki | Associate Professor Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo |
Geometric research on the local langlands correspondence |
Iwami, Shingo | Associate Professor Faculty of Science Kyushu University |
Optimal design of drug combination based on mathematical biology methods |
Usami, Koji | Associate Professor Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology The University of Tokyo |
Laser cooling of ferromagnetic magnons |
Ezoe, Yuichiro | Associate Professor Department of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Development of high resolution and ultra light-weight X-ray optics based on micromachining technologies for space and medical applications |
Oshima, Takayoshi | Assistant Professor Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Investigation of carrier generation mechanism for next-generation semiconductor of gallium oxide |
Okumura, Fumihiko | Assistant Professor Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science Nagoya University |
Innate immune response by ubiquitin like molecule ISG15 |
Oda, Kosuke | Assistant Professor Department of Virology, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences Hiroshima University |
Structural basis of inhibition of STAT1 activity by Sendai virus C protein |
Kanda, Hiroshi | Instructor Department of Physiology, School of Medicine Keio University |
Evolutionarily conserved molecules regulate the integrity of Blood-Brain Barrier in Drosophila |
Kikuchi, Shoichi | Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Kobe University |
Creation of hydroxyapatite layer without interface induced by fine particle peening to improve properties of Ti-based bio-implants |
Kojima, Nobuhiko | Associate Professor Graduate School of Nanobioscience Yokohama City University |
Role of the sugarchains in the reconstitution of the islet-like tissues |
Kobayashi, Yo | Associate Professor Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda University |
Development of intuitive surgical robot based on the surgeon’s brain activation |
Komori, Hirofumi | Associate Professor Faculty of Education Kagawa University |
Analysis of the mechanism of allergic reaction mediator histamine synthesis |
Sanuki, Rikako | Assistant Professor Institute for Protein Research Osaka University |
Analysis of mechanisms for epileptic seizure caused by microRNA deficiency |
Suzuki, Norio | Lecturer Graduate School of Medicine Tohoku University |
Roles of erythropoietin in bone marrow remodeling for hematopoiesis |
Takashima, Yoshinori | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Science Osaka University |
Creation of innovative adhesion materials through formation of supramolecular complexes |
Takahara, Teruhiko | Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Science Hiroshima University |
The effects of dam on radiocesium accumulation of fish in Fukushima |
Takeoka, Yuko | Associate Professor Faculty of Science and Technology Sophia University |
Development of p-conjugated polymers for sensing biomolecules |
Tani, Shuji | Lecturer Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Osaka Prefecture University |
Screening and identification of the compound inhibiting appressorium formation of Phytophthora infestans |
Tsuchiya, Soken | Lecturer Faculty of Life Sciences Kumamoto University |
Mechanism elucidation of self-growth-stimulation through vesicle traffic in esophageal cancer cells |
Tsutsui, Makusu | Associate Professor The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University |
Single-molecule DNA sequencing using an in-plane nanopore sensors |
Terawaki, Shin-ichi | Assistant Professor Faculty of Science and Technology Gunma University |
Molecular basis for activation of cancer-invasion promoting factor, Tiam1/2, by Par comple |
Tomimatsu, Hiroshi | Associate Professor Faculty of Science Yamagata University |
Dynamics of plant populations at the species range margin |
Nakatani, Hajime | Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya University |
Integration of the bacterial immobilization and surface display technology by a surface trichome protein in Gram-negative bacterium |
Nakamura, Kazuki | Assistant Professor Department of Image and Materials Science, Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba University |
Thermo-responsive imaging media enabling reversible emission switching with high invisibility |
Byrnes, Timothy Masami Ronald | Assistant Professor Principles of Informatics Research Division National Institute of Informatics |
Quantum information processing with cold atom ensembles |
Hirata, Hiromi | Professor Graduate School of Science and Engineering Aoyama Gakuin University |
Molecular, physiological and genetic analysis of motor system |
Maeda, Yusuke | Assistant Professor The Hakubi Center Kyoto University |
Control of cellular asymmetry using opto-thermal manipulation of ligand concentrations |
Matsuzaka, Takashi | Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism University of Tsukuba |
Elucidation of the regulatory mechanism of NLRP3 inflammasome by fatty acide elongase Elovl6 and appliation to the lifestyle-related disease treatment |
Matsumoto, Masanori | Appointed Assistant Professor WPI Immunology Frontier Research Center Osaka University |
Identification of regulatory B cells to suppress multiple sclerosis and elucidation of their suppression mechanisms |
Matsumoto, Masayuki 2014 Hakuraku Grantee |
Professor Faculty of Medicine University of Tsukuba |
Role of dopamine signals in the prefrontal cortet |
Miura, Osamu 2013 Hakuraku Grantee |
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Research and Education Faculty Kochi University |
Disturbance and recovery process of mudflat organisms-ecological and genetic comparisons of Batillaria snails before and after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake |
Mizuguchi, Masaki | Associate Professor Institute for Materials Research Tohoku University |
Fabrication of novel magnet materials without rare-earth and noble elements by irradiation of high-energy particle beam |
Mochizuki, Kentaro | Assistant Professor Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer Tohoku University |
RNAi screen for histone modifiers in the regulation of gene expression and fate determination of mouse primordial germ cells |
Morioka, Yuka | Assistant Professor Institute for Genetic Medicine, Research Center for Infection-associated Cancer Hokkaido University |
Elucidation of the mechanism of the induction of labor using our original “labor-defective mice” |
Yamazaki, Kazutoshi | Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Science Kansai University |
A Levy Model for Medication Scheduling |
Yoshizaki, Keigo | Assistant Professor Faculty of Dental Science Kyushu University |
The mechanism of enamel mineralization and ameloblast differeatiation in mice with enamel hypoplasia |
Name | Afilliation | Research Title |
Aso, Tsukasa | Assistant Professor Department of Content and Creative Design Kyushu University |
The ideal joint ownership system of patents-Proposal from French law |
Ito, Yukiko | Associate Professor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Tokyo Gakugei University |
Estimation for the optimal allocation of acute care services in Japan: In an Analysis of Location and Efficiency of Hospitals |
Ohta, Misako | Associate Professor Faculty of Human Development, Gaduate School of Human Development and Environment Kobe University |
Fundamental study about formative process of cultural community in exile |
Ohnuki, Toshio | Associate Professor Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Okayama University |
A Comparative Study of the Reformed Monasteries in the Middle Ages: Contributions to Parish Churches and the Formation of Society |
Kato, Michiya | Professor Faculty of Economics Osaka Sangyo University |
The Role of Bureaucrats in the Making of Unemployment Policy in Prewar Japan |
Sankoji, Yumiko | Associate Professor Faculty of Economics Wakayama University |
A Historical Study of the Income and Expenditure Reports of Komyo-ko-gata: Analysis of the Financial System and Accounting Thoughts of To-ji Temple |
Torigoe, Takashi | Professor Graduate School of Teacher Education Hyogo University of Teacher Education |
Development of the curriculum for signed language instruction in schools: A basic study |
Nakazawa, Hideo | Professor Faculty of Law Chuo University |
A Counterfactual Historical Path of Labour Politics: Reexamining the Beginning and Ending of Japanese Coalmining Union Movement |
Nakajima, Shinsaku | Senior Assistant Professor School of Agriculture Meiji University |
Both Program Evaluation of the Farmland Improvement Project and Institutional Design |
Fujii, Takashi | Assistant Professor The Hakubi Center Kyoto University |
Singing Death: Death, Emotions, and Emotional Strategies in Greek Funerary Verse Inscriptions from Western Asia Minor |