Yuko Yamato

Associate Professor , Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University*Profile is at the time of the award.

2023Inamori Research GrantsHumanities & Sociology

Research topics
Processing of Japanese Kanji words by Learners of Japanese as a Second Language: Consideration from Temporal Analysis of Kanji Handwriting
How do Japanese learners as a second language (JSL) look at Japanese kanji words? To answer this question, this study analyzes the kanji writing process (ex. writing order, writing speed) by JSL, and investigates how they consider kanji (words) as the combination of the parts. In addition, this study considers whether the features of kanji recognition by JSL differ depending on their first language or Japanese vocabulary knowledge. This study aims to contribute to kanji vocabulary learning support for JSL.


I am very grateful and happy to have been selected for such a prestigious grant. Kanji learning is a big challenge for Japanese learners as a second language. I hope this study could provide useful information about Japanese kanji learning for them. I would like to work even harder and keep getting better. Thank you very much for your support of my research project.

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Humanities & Sociology