Tatsuya Fujimura

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University*Profile is at the time of the award.

2023Inamori Research GrantsHumanities & Sociology

Research topics
The massification of competition for university admission and the rise of private tutoring industry in post-war Japan
With the proliferation and intensification of university entrance exam competition, the private tutoring industry has undergone a metamorphosis into an information industry, resulting in a significant augmentation of its influence during the latter half of the 20th century in Japan. In light of this historical backdrop, the research endeavors to elucidate the factors that have contributed to the industry's exceptional dominance over Japan's education system.


The Japanese educational research has long been centered around schools, and private tutoring has often been overlooked, despite its considerable influence. In contrast, the English-speaking world has accumulated a substantial body of research on private tutoring, yet the tendency towards Western-centric perspectives has resulted in a neglect of the distinct histories and cultures of various countries and regions, leading to theoretical constraints. This research project aims to broaden the horizons of the educational research, both domestically and internationally, by examining the historical development of Japanese private tutoring industry.

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Humanities & Sociology