Hajime Sato

Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi*Profile is at the time of the award.

2023Inamori Research GrantsScience & Engineering

Research topics
Study of Terpene Cyclase by Combined Method of Experimental and Computational Chemistry
This study aims to elucidate the mechanism of structural diversity generation in terpene cyclizing enzymes using a combined approach of computational chemistry and machine learning. Terpene compounds are the largest group of natural products, with more than 80,000 compounds reported, but how enzymes create a wide variety of products from the same raw material is not fully understood. In this research project, we aim to elucidate the mechanism by which the enzyme fixes molecules and creates different products by elucidating the molecular changes inside many terpene cyclases using quantum chemical calculations and analyzing them using machine learning clustering.


Through this research project, I would like to incorporate machine learning and deepen my understanding.

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Science & Engineering